Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Video Game News Update: Good One Microsoft.

In a statement that was made just after the previous blog went online, Microsoft have retracted their statement at Gamescom.


Video Game News: Multiplats.

Multiplatform titles are necessary. They are needed and wanted and give the consumer fairness and piece of mind.

That's why I was pretty annoyed about Microsoft's reveal at Gamescom. Have a look.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is an Xbox One exclusive. Applause.

So let's take a step back. Tomb Raider was rebooted for the second (Well, third, kind of.) time last year and the game was released for PS3, 360, and later released on Xbox One and PS4 in the definitive edition.

So they release a sequel on one specific console.

You wanted to follow the story further? Fuck you, you got the wrong console.
That's the message we're being told by Darrell Gallagher.

And it just makes me wonder why these decisions are made. If this is a timed exclusive, as I can almost say without a shadow of a doubt, then it's quite amusing that Microsoft are spending money on stopping you from getting content on your choice of machine instead of investing it in new IP or other franchises.

It's not a case of "Hurr, victory for the Xbox One." because nobody wins. Nobody wins if you can only sell your console by taking away from everyone instead of offering up incentives to buy. Which is, you know, what companies used to do before they became so sickeningly hungry for a quick buck.

It didn't get better.

Sony announced that Shadows of Mordor will have PS4 exclusive content. That's not content that's been tacked on generously given and graciously made, that's been content that's been carved off the game and taken away from you, pushed tantalisingly in your face until you buy into the console.

The time has been taken to remove content from the game that you no doubt would have had anyway.

And people defend this. It creates a new level of fanboy who defends these greedy corporate tactics.

Anyone with half an ounce of sense will simply take the time to realise that there is no reason to try and gain sole control of IP unless you're insecure about your system. Sony did it with DLC and Microsoft bought out an entire game. It just picked up its football and went home all stroppy because nobody was buying Xbones.

It defies belief.

It defies sense.

 You do not sell more copies of something by pissing on it.