Monday, 9 December 2013

Video Game News: Stupidity Has Rewards.

We all remember young Peter Clatworthy, an impressionable 19 year old from Nottingham who purchased a picture of an Xbox One from eBay for £450.

I mean, the auction stated that it was a picture. It was all there. In print. For him to read. If he couldn't read, someone should have read it to him. Slowly.

His response was "It was in the category of Video Games, so I thought it was legit."

Evidently. Despite the fact that it was affiliated with video games and therefore listed as such. Did you expect to find it categorised under "Pieces Of Paper Relating To Video Games"?

 So naturally he tried to contact the seller, Paypal and possibly Obama and got a slap on the wrist when he asked for his money back.

Only that never happened, because he received both a full refund through PayPal in addition to the home console which was donated by CEX. Here's a picture of the man and the Assistant Manager of the store.

I just want to say, whilst I'm here, and I have this domain, and whilst there is breath flowing through my body and I still own fingers which can type down whatever idle thought crosses my merry little head.....

What the fuck is wrong with you all?

I mean did anybody seriously buy into that little sob story about the man wanting to purchase the Xbone for his little four year old? Name one Xbox game that is suitable for a four year old or that a four year old might enjoy playing. Go on, one Xbox One launch title for a four year old. Name one.

I'm calling complete bullshit. That's his console, not his son's. 

Look at that picture, he tried to get the edition which came alongside Fifa 14. He's wearing a football top in the EXACT same photo. Come on everyone, use your eyes.  That game would not interest a four year old.

The only games for a young child are under the flag Nintendo. And possibly Sony. We all know that Xbox caters to the "mature" gamer. Although that phrase couldn't be farther from the truth, all things considered.

And why did he get someone pregnant at 14/15? Did he go into Boots or a Drugstore and come out with a picture of a condom instead of the actual goddamn thing? Can we really cite this as a good thing? Really?

The comments I've seen. "Good guy CEX." "Faith in humanity: restored."

Your faith in humanity was restored because a store decided to put a retard on a podium in order to do some good, old fashioned, corporate advertising and raise public relations with the great unwashed?
(I include myself in this, of course, although my last bath was yesterday.)

Whatever dawg.

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