Monday 27 January 2014

Video Game News: Sony's Debt Rating.

So as of this morning, Moody's has demoted Sony's debt rating to "Junk status", meaning that they deem it far too risky to be a worthwhile investment.

That's boring and clearly nothing to get stirred up about, is it?

Fitch just called the same.

So did Standards and Poor's.

This is a credit rating drop trifecta.

This drop comes in the wake of investment firms looking at the companies audio and hi-fi sales, along with its TV and PC sectors, which haven't been going all that swimmingly next to it's game console and gaming paraphernalia sales.

Three investment firms going "Hey guys, don't throw your money over here because it might not come back" is troubling. Especially if they're the biggest ones.

The fallout from this is going to be interesting. Obviously, Sony is unlikely to go bankrupt overnight. Those things just flat-out don't happen with corporate giants.
Given the fact that it has done very well with game console sales, perhaps Sony might develop new IP for those games consoles and get games to market quickly and efficiently. Since they're now under pressure.

Make no mistake, E3 is over. Microsoft got kicked squarely in the face in a display the likes of which we've never before after lauding over their new media box only to have Sony quietly dismantle them. (Although still, paid online for both. Neither is worth getting.)

Now it's Sony's turn to be reckless and aggressive in an attempt to dominate the only market it's got a hope of winning. They know people are choosing Apple/Samsung for their music and TV's, so they might go all out and throw an extra division or two into game's development.

Or they might just bury their head in the sand and continue to make tv's and hi-fis.

That's a lot less interesting, but they'll probably do that.

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