Monday 3 March 2014

Video Game Discussion: Sexism in Video Games #2.

I'd like to address a- Wait, wait a second. Uh, Yeah, I'm back by the way.

I'd like to address a topic that I've already touched upon and that's females and video games.

In particularly, I would like to focus on the idea that male gamers are rude and often insulting towards members of the opposite gender. Girls, I am referring to. Women.

Let's take a trip down to our local store.

I've never known why I've never seen purple LED lettering on anything else. Still, I can't flaw the company on their straight-to-the-point shop title. 

We're getting off topic.

Okay, so I go inside and grab a copy of probably Yoshi's New Island 3ds, Fable Anniversary or one of the many great games that are out this year because we're not going to get solid support for the Xbone or PS4 until 2015.

Then I toddle on over to the counter and find that there isn't a queue. In front of me, are two staff members.

Yeah, you know where this is going.

But I'm not doing this because I think all women are awful.

It's simply because I'm mildly threatened, intimidated and frightened.
I would like to say at this point that I am a twenty-one year old male with no kind of social phobia at all. 

It it shameful? Of course.
Is it wrong? Well....

Here's a message to all females. From all men.

"Dear All of the Females,

We don't know why you're suddenly a vocal audience within the videogame community. We understand that you've always been part and parcel of the community, but have now become exceedingly vocal.

In brutal honesty, we are afraid of you. This is because videogames were our way of escaping from everyday life in a potentially unhealthy way. Every day life included you. We, All of the Men, didn't really get along with you, All of the Females. This is because you made us, through no fault of your own, very self-conscious about our own shortcomings. 

Now you are part of our downtime and eclectic gaming communities, we feel a little bit.... fearful. We also feel a little bit sad and feel a twinge of regret. This is because there is so much time in which we could have been playing videogames, peacefully and cooperatively, simply enjoying each others company in a friendly, non-verbal and mildly competitive way. It has been unfair for females to be sidelined by society until around 2006, because it was "weird" for girls to openly admit to playing videogames before that point in time.

Yours sincerely,

All of the Males."

Unfortunately, us men often don't think things through long enough. So we think about it long enough until we feel threatened and then go

"Tits or gtfo."
"Oh great, a girl on our team"
"Mute ur mic."
"Increase the volume on ur mic."

Orrrrrr you get those creepy dudes who are always super-nice to girls as soon as they hear one on the mic, going so far as to pointlessly help them in game for hours.

Man, if I was a lady. I'd find that almost as bad as harassment. Maybe worse.

I want it to be known that yes there'll always be dickbags. But a lot of online gaming hatred comes from the most nervous of mouths.

Think about a man attending an all-females ballet club. Would anything the girls directed at him be anything more than them feeling self-conscious and worried about their own little microcosm? (Fuckin' love that word. It means, like, mini-society or whatever.)

"Settle down, Sally."
"Calm down, Susan."
"I bet you wouldn't be able to have sex with me!"
"That's enough, Margaret!"

Also, that might be the best premise for a porno ever.

But yeah, gender discrimination is bad.

Why can't we all just be happy and all play Mario Kart 8 together at 10pm, sat under a blanket and eating Rice Krispies whilst Paul falls off Rainbow Road for the eighteen hundredth time?

Seriously Paul, sort that shit out right now. 

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