Wednesday 13 November 2013

Video Game Idea: Mr Clicker

First up, thanks for over 750 views. Thank you to someone in South Korea tuning in this week. Thank you to the people who are somehow reading this on BlackBerry's. Blog data is fantastic.

Anyway, here's an idea I had.

It's a button. Just a button that comes in a little coloured plastic bag or blister pack. Whatever looks nicer.

Okay, so it's an almost entirely online product. A merchandised e-game, if you will.

You may not have heard of Cookie Clicker, but if you have, you may know where I'm going with this.

Basically it's called Mr Clicker and it's a button. Just a button.

That's all it is. In pretty tortoiseshell packaging Once you buy the button, you get a code with the pack which allows you to make an account on or whatever URL is available.

You then create an avatar that looks like yourself

Obviously I'm using an Xbox Live one as an example.

Then you enter the game. In the game, your character will walk up to an on-screen button and stand there.

When you press your button, the character on screen presses the button and you get a token.

Once you get five tokens, you will be able to "buy" the ability to make the virtual you click the button independent of whether you actually click the button or not.

It will continue to rack up if you are not on the site. Pushing the button, however, will cause your score to rack up faster.

So kids will be taking it everywhere. And they'll look totally friggin' odd. Just standing there and compulsively pushing a button. It might look sad, but I bet you it'll create shock advertising.

But here's where it gets evil. (Because I work in retail and like to think of marketing ploys daily.)

There are prizes for the top scorers of every month as well as the highest scoring weekly.
In addition to this, kids can spend button tokens on customizing their own avatar, changing the virtual background behind the virtual button and other options. For example, you can save up a thousand clicks and "buy" a virtual helper who walks on to the screen and starts pressing your button, bringing your clicks per second from a measly one to a godly two. Soon, kids will be comparing CpS in the playground (Clicks per second.) "Ha! I have +5 and you only have +3!"  And my god, kids are competitive.

Maybe if you save up two thousand you can get a helper who does it even faster and is a different colour. And if you save up three thousand you can get one who does it EVEN FASTER and is another different colour.

More customization options would roll out every couple of days, naturally. "Limited edition item! Only 500 clicks for this purple trilby! Gone tomorrow! Show off to your friends!"

It'd be truly interesting to see if kids buy items that help them click faster or spend tokens on items that accessorize a pointless avatar.

1st wave would be the buttons. They're all red, cheap as can be, in varying shapes. Kids are encouraged to collect them all.

2nd wave would be blue ones of varying shapes. Of course, every click on a green one is worth two clicks. Got a red one from the previous series? Great! You can connect it and get 3 TOKENS PER CLICK.

Connect it with your friends and get even MORE tokens!

Just imagine the kids, all connecting their buttons in long rows and clicking like mad. What a sight. 
Again, shock advertising.

3rd wave is green buttons. You can see where this is going. Three tokens per click. Connect them to a blue AND a red one to start a combo chain! 9 tokens per click! That way, people will continue to buy older sets. Which won't need to go down in price, importantly.

Oh and the blue one is double the price of the red and the green is triple the price of the red. Despite the fact that they cost the same to produce. And you know they'll sell. Once they're ingrained in the market, they call the shots.

4th wave is purple buttons which work slightly differently and can be pressed once a day to get a cosmetic bonus for your avatar as well as foil packs of cards with codes on them. Each code would unlock backgrounds and accessories which veteran kids could spend extra click tokens on if they're getting bored and can't find anything to use their clicks on.

Finally, kids are encouraged to share pictures of their avatar on Facebook and Twitter. You get an extra fifty tokens for doing it on Facebook and an extra twenty for doing it on Twitter. Free marketing at no cost and keeps the kids happy.


Have you got any toy ideas? Share them with me in the comments below, or on my Facebook.

Have a good afternoon, everyone!

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